The rest of forever...

By DrMac


We slept in today. How lazy are we? Bed at half eleven last night and the 6am wake up turned to 8.15am!! Eek!

Breakfast. Some school work. Bike ride. Sore back. Food. Collected Bex from the station during the most immense hailstone storm I've ever seen.

Chat. Walk dogs. Chat. Eat. Drink champagne. Eat. Drink some more.

Tomorrow is Tough Guy. Bex and Paul are running. I got hypothermia last time so I'm watching with the girls! Forgot my camera (doh!) so I'll be on the mini camera tomorrow to capture those momentous moments...mud, water, fire, heights, barbed wire, electric shocks....

...I'm glad I'm watching...I'm too old for that stuff!!

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