Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


My Dad is recovering well from his surgery but has to take it easy for a fair few weeks yet. He is retired and has taken Hovis out during the day for me, along with his own dog Flint. They are great buddies and have more fun on the walks when they're together. Dad isn't up to the daily two hour walks yet although he would love to be out in the countryside.

Hovis has had to get used to being with me on the daily walks instead....I used to say he was a man's dog and that he loved my Dad to pieces. Now I know that Hovis just loves the person who is taking him for a now he loves me!! He's been very good and I have enjoyed the walks...chatting to people....enjoying the weather...clearing my's been fantastic and I am feeling good. I love living where I do and enjoying nature at it's best. Happy, happy, happy days!

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