Raven through the Mirror!

6°C  -  Feels like 3°C  -  12 mph NE Wind Speed  -  17 mph Gusts  -  Cloudy  -  Rain.  An early blip today because it happened while I was having my morning cuppa, and it’s an unusual shot.  I couldn’t see this Raven through the window because of the angle, but it was reflected in my living-room mirror.  I was surprised at how clear it was when I downloaded to my computer screen given that it is such a dreich day outside.  This is straight out of the camera, but cropped a little.  Just goes to show that windows and mirrors are reaping the benefits of cleaning tasks imposed by self-isolation.  You can even see the lone wee Crab Apple that is still hanging on in there  -  just a few inches from his beak!  I had a Yellowhammer visit today  -  see him partying in my extra with a Dunnock and a Chaffinch.

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