
By backwoodsman

Day 7.......

........and fearing cabin fever ,took a wander into the boggy field that borders the top of my garden (why I live in Scotland N* 7654 ) ;Infested with brambles,rushes and scrub trees its quiet and seldom visited :-)
And was surprised to see this statuesque heron :-O
Herons generally are shy and fly away quickly ,but he stood his ground and kept his beady eye on me !       How come ?

Now, being a Muppet fan (yep ;I know, takes one to know one.........I guess I think of myself as somewhere between Fozzy the bear and Animal :-D
Anyway ; cast your mind back to the original (and best ) Muppet Movie in which Doctor Happer Hopper fails to dragoon Kermit into his nefarious business ,and in exasperation calls on the services of a hitman.
Cue hitman arrival ....a dead ringer for the marvellous Jack Pallance in Shane....and Doc Happer Hopper's  "This is Snake Walker boys. Tell 'em what you do, Snake "
Snake....removing his sunglasses  "Kill frawgs"

There you have it :-)
Right now ,frogs are on the march ,and can be found in any damp patch giving it laldy (ask a Glaswegian )in the hope of finding true love  :-D
No wonder he was reluctant to move.......he was busy killin' frawgs  :-O
So ,I beat a hasty retreat ,and left him to it :-O

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