
By stellarossa


I set off early to the Farm and had the most glorious drive there in the morning sun through the wonderful Oxfordshire countryside. Being outside felt like such a treat but I was a woman on a mission - to safely and hygienically collect 540 eggs and carefully drive them back to Oxford for distribution to 45+ households including people over 70, with health conditions or symptoms that mean they are isolating. Gloves, hand sanitiser, washing washing washing hands.

By lunchtime all were disbursed. I funded this first go myself and I hope everyone will pay up, but had calculated that any loss I would incur is a hit I could afford.

Then I started getting messages to say Oxfam will furlough 1400 staff. A panic set in - first, selfishly, as to what that meant for me, then for my colleagues on lesser salaries or with younger larger families to feed. Finally it looks like, because I am in the emergency response team, I am considered essential. For now.

Finally at 8pm I joined our whole street in clapping for the NHS staff including Beewriter who is much in my thoughts right now. I hadn’t realised how emotional it would feel and how special to have everyone out in their front gardens or hanging out of windows together, waving and calling out to each other. Very moving.

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