New shoots

The tomatoes are coming through and today the first aubergine shoot unfurled its tender little head.

I am working flat out on the global Covid-19 response for Oxfam, although for a large scale emergency response that would usually involve getting on a plane - whereas these days it seems to mainly involve Skype calls and emails.

The sunshine is wonderful - I think we’d all be feeling less hopeful if it were grey skies and drizzle. We had lunch in the garden and the boys even sunbathed shirts off. In March!

My little egg delivering plan does not seem to be working out as the supplier has been swamped and is no longer answering calls. Several neighbours have supermarket /food delivery slots booked and are adding in all the neighbours orders and working together cooperatively. The elderly residents and single people don’t ineed enough stuff to meet the minimum spend requirement so need to buddy up anyway.

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