One More Step

By fiona169

Burn's Day

Here is my big boy Jamie, looking smart in his kilt, ready for a special day at school.

Alexander was here today, but thankfully he was feeling much better and had energy to play with Kyle.

Not such a good day for us. About 11pm last night we had a phone call to say my brother (who lives in Guernsey) had had a stroke and was in hospital. So the first part of today was spent organising flights for tomorrow so that we can go and see him. We are planning to come back again on Sunday, but it will depend how he is I suppose. The good news is that he got moved out of ICU onto a ward but it sounds serious. (He is only 50)

Tonight my Senior Section Group (Part of Girlguiding) had a session at the ladies gym here in Linlithgow. It was great fun but I am worried that I won't be able to make it up the stairs onto the plane tomorrow!

Better go as I am getting picked up at 4.45 tomorrow.

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