The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Lockdown Day 3

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I realised as I was messaging colleagues earlier, that in my head, they are all still in the office. Because I have never been to any of their homes, my brain can’t visualise them other than sitting at their desks!

I also noticed that we are choosing to call each other to discuss work. Normally in IT, people message each other from the next bank of desks (which drives me crazy) but as everyone’s human contact is so limited, people actually want to have conversations.

Sociable IT types? That’ll never catch on!

We also joined in the 8 pm to clap for carers. It was a misty gloomy night but the noise of everyone clapping at their windows was so uplifting and I had a lump in my throat.

I spoke to Kitty Cat later and told her I had given her the clap!


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