A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Day 14: Brief Glimpse

A fiery start, soon replaced by clouds and a cold wind, so not such a nice day after all.

I was amazed and horrified to see that my neighbours had visitors today.

They arrived about lunchtime, parked their clapped out old car in the garage and noisily entered next door's apartment.

They were out on the terrace despite the cold wind, drinking and getting louder and louder and are still in situ next door now.

It would appear they have no intention of leaving just yet.

So much for total lockdown.

I am not supposed to set foot outside my front door and yet next door think it's OK to have a party.

Having just returned from a very brief walk with Duke around the urbanisation, all I am really allowed to do, I can report a second gathering taking place in another block. And two cars parked on the road that have not been there all week.


PS The visitors from next door left at 12:15. I wonder what possible excuse they could give the police for being two in a car (forbidden) and on the road for no essential reason at that time on a Saturday night.

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