A Little Pot

It was flipping freezing today so there was no way I was going to go out without reason - although I did go out to the garage for a short while to refine a wooden hood I have made to go onto a small torch for lighting small objects to photograph (see the extra).

I thought I would add a piece written by one of the camera club members - the man talks a lot of sense (and not just in this)

Courage and Fear.
The answers according to me, Martin Clarke (also known as Nobby) ex member of 1st Battallion the Royal Scots, the Royal Regiment of Scotland.
Have you ever asked yourself why in times of war soldiers are considered to be heroes? Why are they, in particular, braver than the rest of us? We have all heard stories of countless acts of heroism and we shed a tear in honour of them. Consider that for a moment.
The answer is, they’re not. We are all human and experience fear. Some of us, however, experience it to a greater or lesser degree than others.
What makes soldiers (or any person who is considered brave and courageous, NHS staff, for example) different is that they have conquered the most destructive force in everyone’s life: Their FEAR!
How do you conquer fear? I hear you ask.
1) First, you have to acknowledge your fear. That’s easy, we all know how afraid we are.
2) Second, you have to identify the source of your fear and what influences you to have it. This is all too obvious in the present circumstances so no need to explain.
3) Focus. That is: Negative Focus versus Positive focus. Negative focus feeds fear and Positive focus dispels fear. Thus, the answer is simple. You need to change the direction of your focus from the Negative to the Positive.
“How do I do that?”, I hear you scream. By doing exactly what I’ve been saying all along: Focus only on that which you can control. All the rest is just “Negative noise.” You can’t control what happens elsewhere so don’t try to. However, collectively, by following my simple steps above we will all as a consequence influence what happens elsewhere.
Feel free to share my words. Copy and paste them if you want. I seek no credit. Embrace your fear and stay safe.

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