
By LifeLines

Creature Comforts

The first day of British Summer Time and it has been cold and windy outside.  The gusts reached around 40 mph, so, I stayed inside for most of the day catching up on work for my anatomy and physiology course. I also gave Merlin a little TLC, cleaning his teeth and ears, and giving him a little massage - which he seemed to enjoy!  I really should be doing these things more regularly so now is a good time to try to get a routine established.  

In the late afternoon the wind dropped slightly so Merlin and I ventured out and walked around the village.  There were quite a number of people out walking and cycling but the recreation ground was empty and the play area is now out of bounds.  It felt eerie.  On our way back we stopped at the allotment and Merlin sat, whilst I watered the shallots and onions.  The wind has dried the soil so much that you'd find it hard to believe it has rained so much this winter.

For dinner Andy had left over curry so he decided to make chapatis - a first for him.  It is hard to believe how flour, water and a little oil, once heated, can taste so comforting.  Apparently there are some refinements to be made to the technique (less oil in the pan but plenty of heat) so I am looking forward to round two in the not too distant future!  Hoping your day has also had some creature comforts.

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