
We did it! I invited my sisters to join a meeting this afternoon and the boys came too. It was great to see each other!

Ian spoke on the story of Jonah this morning. Jonah had faith in God but had made some mistakes and thought God was finished with him so he ran away. But God is everywhere and brought Jonah back to himself. Jonah had a bit of a rough journey before his faith was renewed but he got there in the end and so did those in the boat with him who witnessed his return.

Think we’re in a place we’d rather not be at the moment but we’re not in it alone.

Very sadly, we’ve heard this evening that Bill has died. We feel so much for his wife Rose and their daughter. They haven’t been able to visit Bill for nearly two weeks. His doctor so wonderfully did a FaceTime call on Thursday so they could see him. She held his hand for them when they couldn’t be with him.

We’ve given ourselves a quiet day today, reading our books and reading and sending messages, and talking to friends. It’s been good and we are grateful.

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