The weather has turned but we forced the girls outside for some exercise. We walked to the post box to post Bea's thank you letters and then to little green where the girls played with sticks again. Pickle came with us. The two of them looked a funny pair with their random outfits, that they chose themselves, and my poor attempt at face painting from earlier in the morning.
B is very clingy to John and rejecting me which is hurtful despite knowing it's just a phase. I think the change in routine has been difficult for her. I seems less bothered. She has a new favourite game playing with a jigsaw floor mat and push along trucks.
Attempted to set up the online gym subscription stuff today but it didn't work. I have emailed them as their phone number just has a pre-recorded message that says they are closed.
The press conference said this could possibly go on for three to six months. I hope it is the former. I have been worrying about work and what if I never gets to go back to pre-school or her starting school in September being delayed.
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