Hope, Friendship, Smile and Stay Safe

I have put a rainbow in Paula's bedroom window to make people smile and to say  although apart we must have Hope and Solidarity in these trying times and above all Smile if you can  even when you are feeling low. Think of happy times and one day they will be back, no idea when, but they will.

I went to the co-op this morning was third in the queue , I got milk and bread cakes and tinned meat for the dog, Whiskas Salmon in jelly, as Tanzy likes it, Molly has her own low protein meat. and some soap. otherwise the shelves were bare of most other essentials. (Did see one chap with 2 large packs of lager in his trolley and a packet of breakfast cereal glad he's got his priorities in order) I hated going in I had my mask on and those disposable poly gloves on, but people were not keeping their distance as they should. Wish I had waited and gone to Tesco tomorrow, more on the shelves, and pensioners and vulnerable people only 9 till 10 May go there next time I need milk.

Otherwise it was bitterly cold and snowed when we took Tanzy for a walk. Very fitting as not very far away from where we were (ie live) on the 29th March 1461 the battle of Towton Moor took place in an area  between the villages of Towton and Saxton in North Yorkshire during the wars of the roses, and the battle took place in a snowstorm. It was said to be the bloodiest battle ever fought on English soil with around 28,000 dead and the Cock Beck ran red with the blood of the dead and dying. Now that's really cheered you up hasn't it. Go on smile. I love history.

Did anyone see the International Space Station pass over tonight, if not you may see it tomorrow if it's a clear night again it will be back about 21.32 coming from the West. Look for the Starlink satellites too. Eventually there will be 60.000 of them floating about bringing 5G to anywhere in the world. Now I bet there's not many people know that. I didn't till I read it.  Makes you think.

I kept myself busy this afternoon giving the kitchen worktops and tiles a good scrubbing and the hob too. Then we had home made hot pot for tea. mmmm good

Well goodnight peeps sleep well and as Scarlett O'Hara said "Tomorrow is another day"

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