Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Saturday — Emerson Park, SLO

This morning we drove east; halfway to Atascadero to get face masks from friends I met on Instagram (masks were waiting on an outside table at their farm).

Then, we drove on east to Atascadero and then south on 101 to San Luis Obispo. Both places look like ghost towns— few people, an occasional car, businesses closed. This photo was captured in Emerson Park where we walked our two dogs: Mitzi and Chloe. The white cross is on a church steeple across.

Then on to Morro Bay to stop at the atm and a final pause to get gasoline, and found a loaf of wheat bread in the AM/PM mini-mart. We think we have enough food in this house to feed us till we exit this Thursday for SoCal.

There are two snoozing pups on this bed with me. The right corner on the foot of the bed is missing our Max (these pups exit their crates every morning early to snuggle into the softness on top of our bed and snuggle here every night before getting into their houses.).

We now are one day closer to acceptance. Our hearts hurt. Anxiety is crouching on the porch; we have the front door locked.

Good night from
California’s Central Coast
in Cayucos,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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