
By MumOf4Wildlings

Seven years

Today is my anniversary with Mr R. We went out on our first date seven years ago. I met him for brunch. And well we have been quite busy since. Ha.

I baked bread today for the first time. A couple of new Zealand blippers I follow made this recipe a couple of days ago. I must say it's very tasty.

Today the boys have done maths, Xander has done a few other subjects but I'm not putting any pressure on him. He's been quite sensitive today and had a couple of meltdowns. He twisted his foot this morning so I'm putting it down to that.

We all did yoga together too.
If my blip friends have wildlings or fancy something fun then cosmic yoga on YouTube is great.

Thank you for all your comments,stars and heart's on yesterday's blip. I hope you all continue to stay safe and well. X

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