8 year's

This is the card I have Mr R for our anniversary today. He hasn't seen it yet and he also hasn't mentioned that it's our anniversary so I'm assuming he has forgotten. We will see when he gets home late tonight.

So with practically no sleep and around 10 coffee's I thought I would bake him some muffins for Mr R.
Well the cake god's weren't on my side and they came out awful. The chocolate chips all settled to the bottom of the cases. My neighbours son liked them so he got about 20 . Well let's try again and use the horse/ donkey cake tin that MrsMud gave me . Well the cake kind of exploded in the oven and was dripping all over the place. And it has came out looking like a dead dog with small pox ;-) all the chocolate chips settled again. ( see extra if you want a laugh).

I sent all the Wildlings upstairs to play while I cleaned the oven .

We have just came back from a great play together at a couple of park's. They had a fun together.

I am uploading early while I make their dinner. I batch cooked a chickpea curry for Mr R and myself for the next few nights.

Who wants to place bets that he's forgotten our anniversary. We're not married but it was the day of our first date . I always get him a card and bake for him . Well now he's getting a dead dog cake :-)))

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