By LaurieT

The attic -

One of the things I've wanted to do during my unscheduled time was to go into the attic and begin to create some sort of order there. It has been ordered in the past - it is the place that I like to send former babies when they visit - the promise of getting to go up to the attic after one leaves for preschool has excited many toddlers!

The attic is the mysterious place where the extra toys are stored; the place where there are boxes, bags, and treasures  to explore. It is the attic I dreamed of when I was a child.

I haven't had time to do any organizing there for a few years, and have just been tossing things up randomly. Combined with the chaos created by a few young visitors it's a mess.

Today, when I went up, I texted the mother of one 3 year old who has been most excited to someday climb the ladder in my office closet, and asked if he'd like a virtual tour of the space. We had a wonderful time as I moved around with my phone and he asked questions.

The extras show a few more views of my attic, including one of the dancer's rocking chair my friend Barbara made for me back in our 20's, and a doll belonging to her daughter Kara.

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