
By bananablip

Monday Team Time

Monday is usually our Team Time at the office but today we did it via everyone's new BFF: Zoom. It was so lovely to 'see' and hear from Becci and Ellie and to plan our activities as far as we could, and most importantly, pray together. It was so lovely and almost felt normal.

We decided that one of our videos this week would be a SYFC Team Challenge, as requested. This week's challenge? To each bake a batch of cookies without consulting a recipe or the internet. Despite having no recipe, no eggs or no butter, I think I did OK! 

Today was Becky's Birthday and so I took my chair over and a flask of tea and sat outside with her (2 metres apart, obvs). Her friend turned up to deliver flowers and she joined us on another chair (also 2 metres apart). It was quite the socially distanced party. Then my Line Manager turned up randomly on her daily exercise. It's been a nice time of seeing humans today. 

Daily exercise is less fun now that the sun has gone and it took me about a mile to warm up on today's run. Not impressed.

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