Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 10 When life gives you lemons...

A work day today and I didn't finish until 5.30 as we had to do after school club. I don't normally finish until about 6 but that's with the children leaving at 3.15 and then me catching up on paperwork, marking etc. For some reason I was shattered when I got home. I stripped off and showered and then collapsed in a heap. I didn't manage my walk or any exercise on the exercise bike so this is the reason for a random home blip.

Also heard today that brother in law, who used to be a paramedic but stepped back to become a technician recently, was exposed to coronavirus today when delivering a patient to hospital. He was sprayed afterwards. Fingers crossed that he's ok.

...make a cheesecake.
One possibility for this week. Any other suggestions?

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