Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 11 Nesting birds

A day working from home today. I cleaned the downstairs loo and the sink in the laundry room, went shopping with Dan for more essentials (can't believe we're already out of so much after spending nearly £200 on Saturday!), hung out the washing, went on the exercise bike and waited for Chris to come home for our walk. He left the house before 7 this morning and it was about 7.15 when he got home. I'd started the tea so I put Dan in charge of keeping an eye on it and we went for a quick walk before I served up. Even on our walk Chris was answering work emails about orders for the hospitals. I'm worried that if he carries on like this, he's going to go down in a heap.

The number of deaths is rising daily. It was 381 in the UK today but Spain and Italy are still hitting the high 800s and it's rocketing in America. Today a 13 year old without any underlying conditions also died.

I'm trying to keep busy and stay positive. I know we can get through this and hopefully be better people because of it. Slowing down and taking life at a gentler pace certainly helps you to appreciate life, your health, nature and family. Today I enjoyed watching the birds nesting. Beautiful.

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