A ‘down day’ waiting to hear our work fate, coupled with the toothache that is not improving ended with tears when Mollie FaceTimed. She got Timmy, a lovely kitten for her birthday last September and he became her ’bestest friend’. This evening a neighbour knocked at the door and informed my son that there was a cat outside that had been run over. He wouldn’t have felt a thing, but it was horrific for son to deal with and then impart the news to Mollie. She was devastated. The funeral is tomorrow. The photo is of Mollie and me just before she got Timmy.
Sarah is slightly better, in that she was not quite so sleepy and did shower and we FaceTimed this afternoon. The Covid team will call her again tomorrow as they felt she sounded wheezy. Liam is fine, no signs of illness, just struggling with an increased workload, and all from home which he doesn’t like at all! We also FaceTimed. I spoke to Daniel briefly this morning. He is undergoing a split from his long term partner which brings various problems at this time. We have been in contact several times a day until now but with everything else going on, I just didn’t have time. Will call him early tomorrow.
The Asda delivery arrived minus a few things, my white wine and the flour and sugar for baking. Probably a good thing really!
Mr L thought I was mad, but I used my home made wipes and washed every item before putting away, and threw all the plastic bags in the bin before taking off my gloves. I think I am becoming paranoid, and I’m usually so anti plastic!
The work email arrived this evening and I am now furloughed until May. It is good to know but what on earth am I going to do? I’d love to volunteer to help in the village, but terrified of bringing germs back into the house When Mr L has COPD. The days are so long without a purpose!
Plan 1 Stop feeling sorry for myself and stop watching so much news!
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