Some silliness

Katie got up shortly after 4am. The morning was quite spectacularly bad. I ended up going for a run on my own and we were about an hour late getting settled to our respective work. Thankfully, my boss is in a similar situation and there's complete flexibility as to the hours I work. 

Things did generally improve a bit when I got back. I think it brought home for her that mama has limits- and she'd pushed them too far. She did a very good morning of school work with only a brief meltdown about some dalcroze homework. 

It wasn't until after lunch that it dawned on her I couldn't go out again with her because I'd taken my time already. She went out on her bike round the block a few times and into the carpark. I wouldn't let her walk anywhere alone at the moment, she gets a bit stressed with people who don't respect the bubble, but cycling I feel the slightest bit more comfortable with. 

When she got back, I was on houseparty with B, waiting for Katie. They had a very happy hour playing quizzes and games on there. She then played with Moll and lego. We had telly time, some bassoon & clarinet, some garden time and snuggles with book 7 of Harry Potter. Her third of this time already! 

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