
By wonderlust

"Reality is merely an illusion...

...albeit a very persistant one."
-Albert Einstein

Einstein was more than a mathematical genius - he was a philospher. I encourage anyone who has never read one of his essays or a collection of his quotes to do so.

I only bring Einstein up because as I was looking for inspiration, I came across a folder of some articles, quotes, etc. that I had collected a couple years back (tip: don't save whole magazine, just tear out the articles that interest you and save them in a folder. Magazines add to a lot of shelf space over the years) and Einstein was among the various clippings.

Anyone else ready for the weekend? I have had a miserable week for no particular reason at all which only makes it more melancholy. If I have to be in the dumps, I'd perfer to have a valid reason. So it goes. I am on this mission to read everything I should have read when I was younger with time and no desire. Just finished re-reading Animal Farm and now am on to Slaughterhouse-Five for the first time.

My blip is of an unusual shadow that appeared on the wall and ceiling while searching for inspiration.

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