Kingfisher territory
Another successful spotting this morning on returning from collecting the paper, slightly upstream from the previous occurrences. Three days in a row and then this afternoon the tiger appeared snoozing on the furthest away board which made me initially wonder if it was a dead zebra and the tigers lunch. I also discovered the much more rewarding webcam at the Sydney zoo although it meant I had to watch the tigers have their breakfast at 11.30 pm.
Tasks accomplished - not much, need to set more goals I guess:
Said kingfisher watching
Walk to get paper
Cheese scones made, not strong enough cheese used bu otherwise OK
Read a bit more of Mantel
Watched Ozark
News very depressing today, the green shoots of yesterday nowhere apparently. Very poor briefing at 5pm with muddled unconvincing answers.
In other news I read that the building firm - Keir have not stopped working on the Burrell although clearly form my observations they have considerably scaled down activity. I noticed a few days ago that you can just see the roof of the Burrell form our balcony window, why has it taken so long for me to notice that I wonder. It also explains the lights that we see from that general direction at night.
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