April Fool's

The kids snuck into the bedroom at 7:30 this morning to carry out their April Fool's prank they had planned since yesterday.  Too bad we woke up when they giggled and ruined their attempt.  haha

Then a few minutes later I come back into the room and my wife is like Alexa is freaking out!  What, I say???  She says, yeah for no reason Alexa says she's going to play heavy metal music for 10 hours straight at full volume...  What, I say again....  She says, yeah, listen... good morning Alexa.  Alexa responds, OK, play heavy metal music for 10 hours non-stop at full volume. Starting 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1....

hahahaha, I had such a good laugh.  My wife says, what are you laughing about?  Me, can't stop laughing.... I say finally, try it again.  And then after this final round, she gets it.  haha. What a cruel joke so early in the morning.

I have been waiting for three weeks for a bicycle trainer to arrive.  It is still stuck somewhere in a warehouse around Milan, but so far away from me.  Life in the times of lockdown.  

Everybody has noticed yesterday what a foul mood I am in.  So last night I planned my first act of desperation to do something to get my heart pumping.  Our condominium has eight floors.  That's a lot of stairs!  It has been years since I took the stairs and so hadn't really thought about it until again now.  I made the first climb up jogging.  I made the second climb up walking.  Stop.  Asthma.  Seems the stairwell isn't kept so clean at the moment.  Well, I am determined to try again tomorrow and add at least one more climb.  Time to set some goals and I would say 500 meters vertical gain wouldn't be bad...  Now to measure the actual vertical distance between floors and see if I am in for a doozy or not.  haha

For as short of a workout as it was, I feel better.  On to tomorrow!

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