More Love On The Desk

I'm still waiting on a bicycle trainer package for more than three weeks and yet some other things like these new headphones arrived in three days.  Oomph!

Well, these headphones are certainly putting a smile on my face. This is a first that I have carried through on a purchase via advertising on Facebook... So, I guess somewhere cookies actually do work!  Master & Dynamic had a 50% off sale on selected items this past weekend and I bit the bait hook & sink!!  Such beautiful headphones and a great addition to home smart working. The quality and attention to detail is wonderful.  Yeah!!!  I would have never bought them at full price, but at 50% and free shipping, they are something that I will live with for many many years and never frown about how much I paid. :)

Today I made it back up the stairs.  This time three sets total. 2 running (or mostly) and the last walking.  I could have gone on walking, but my muscles are actaully sore from yesterday's first attempt.  ha!! I didn't expect that, but go figure... practically a month without exercise.  Afterwards I got out the tape measure to see what the elevation is between floors.  At 3.5 meters and 8 flights, that is only 28 meters elevation gain per set.  Somehow it feels a lot more.  I am now rethinking my goal of 500 meters elevation to just 300 meters.  That would be 10 sets.  If I could do 5 running up and 5 walking up by the end of next week I would be happy!  Jeez, I hope the bike trainer arrives here soon... I'm a biker not a runner.

The daily totals for Covid-19 are still disappointing in Italy.  Yesterday and today the numbers have made no headway to come down.  It is total shock every time I turn on the news to see what is going on in America and elsewhere.  Thankfully I am staying occupied with work during the day.

Time to bristle up with a glass of red wine and watch the news. :(

Praying for tomorrow.

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