
Before the virus hit, and the craft shows were going strong, I bought this from a local artist for 73 dollars. (I talked her down from $80.)


This is my second canvas of the 15 or so that I have done while being grounded. Of the 15, I like about 10 of them. I just finished a painting of the green heron that I photographed yesterday. Do I like the heron? Let's just say that I tend to do better with fish as opposed to birds. (Read no.)

Do I like the mahi-mahi? Yes, I do. How can you not like the colors? Practically every color in the rainbow.

The mahi measures 12 x 24 inches.

I listened to the Florida governor and stayed in most of the day. I did walk for an hour at 7:30, and we both went to swim class at 9. 11 of us in the pool...Me, Patrick, the other Patrick, and 8 women. We all do try to keep our distance from each other.

Be safe my friends.

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