All that glistens

First and most importantly, thank you for all your comments on my blips these past few days. Sharing our experiences and feelings, our positivity and support together seem so important at this extraordinary time.

Today was the first day of April and, whilst so much of our world is different and daunting, there are some familiar and beautiful happenings too.  In nature the sloe blossoms sprinkle the hedgerows and deep in them, the chiff chaffs call to let us know they have returned from their winter retreats.  Meantime, just this week, the hawthorn bushes have begun to flush with lime green leaves.  It is such a wonderful sight to see the natural world emerging from winter - slowly enough at the moment to savour each tiny change. 

It has been a good day in our household.  We woke to a sunny yet frosty morning and I ate breakfast in the peace of it all looking out across the garden.  Before staring work, I walked to the allotment in the freshness of the morning and picked a bag full of spinach and chard, and a bag of salad leaves that we've eaten with our lunch and dinner.  I've taken part in a live streamed Pilates class with a teacher who usually visits us at work for a session during our lunch hour.  Today her sister also joined the group from South Africa!   And, this evening we have enjoyed more rhubarb crumble for pudding.

We watched the Channel 4 News for a while this evening and are keeping up with the daily happenings and analyses but afterwards made sure we took some time to turn inwards and relax into a world of other things. I feel a sense of guilt as I know others do not have this luxury today or for many weeks to come.  But some how we have to find a way to be strong so we can support each other.

Hoping your day has had some sanctuary and happiness in it.

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