Field of Gold

We needed to deliver something today and when we went past this area which is called Fairfield and is used for community events during normal times. We noticed how beautiful the celandines were in the field, it was like a golden carpet. In fact there were plenty of daisies too!

The weather is very much warmer today, the wind is coming from the south so there are much warmer days ahead.  I planted the raspberry canes that arrived yesterday and we will plant the potatoes this afternoon. The seeds we have been growing are doing well, the courgettes are almost ready to go outside.

The good news is that everyone seems to be following our islands government's advice and there is a good community feeling. Every few days the island leaders together with the top health advisors bring the population up to date on where we are. We have our own test facilities and the hospital has been transformed in a very short space of time. The intensive care beds have increased as has the capacity to take people into hospital. People are pulling together to help each other. The hotel food delivery companies have now started to deliver to the islanders homes instead. The bakeries are delivering where they can too so that people can have their daily bread. The elected deputies in charge of running the island are doing a sterling job. 

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