April moon!

Beautiful warm day today, the cold wind disappeared and the sun shone most of the day.
Still securely locked down....good job we are lucky enough to have a garden so we can go outside to play!
I went out to try to get a picture of the ISS (International Space Station) but sadly with a 400mm lens it was just a blob, a nice bright light, moving across the sky very fast. So, I decided a quick shot of the moon was slightly more interesting.
Fortunately, for some bizarre reason we took it in our heads, before lock-down to go to the nursery and purchase plant seeds...a something we haven't done for ages.
Now we have many tiny plants rearing their heads above the chilly soil. So, with luck we should be okay for veggies, eventually.
At the same time we purchased a vegetable "Trugg" to grow the seeds on.
Not sure of the economics of this as it cost around £100 plus 10 bags of soil! At least it will be be around for a few years. Miss T had asked if we could grow some vegetables this year. She hasn’t helped much because she is constantly doing school work just now!

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