By lizzie_birkett

Kitchen Garden...

...is taking on a whole new meaning! It will -eventually - be outdoors but until this freezing cold weather decides to warm up it will be expanding indoors!
It was cold, drizzly and windy today so I didn't do anything outdoors. Come to think of it, I didn't really do anything indoors either!
I spoke to Sue (sis) on the phone and video chatted to Tony (bruv) and Diane on Houseparty. 
Did a bit of housework, looked at Blips and Facebook, read my book and fell asleep on the couch whilst doing so. 
After tea I took Bella May up Haw Lane just as the sun was going down. It was lovely and did us both the world of good. 
Normally when I take her we come back through the front door as she doesn't have muddy paws from just walking round the block and she knows the routine. Tonight though she'd been through muddy puddles, she was off the lead and when we got to the top of our road I said, 'We're going round the back Bella, you need your paws washed.
She walked right past our front door and the next 2 houses went up the ginnel to the back gate. Clever or what!

We got back just in time to take part in the community clapping - it was a better turn out this week and lovely to see all the neighbours smiling and waving across the street. We and some others were hanging out of bedroom windows because some doors are too close together. They're a lovely bunch! Frank played his fiddle nice and loud and the little boys across the road whose Mummy is a nurse were banging on pan lids.
There are so many people who need thanking in this awful time from all the wonderful NHS staff, cleaners, porters, admin, lab staff, catering, shop workers, delivery people, teachers, bin men,  posties, factory workers, farmers the list goes on and on and I will have forgotten to mention some. Feel free to fill in the gaps!

See you tomorrow, keep well and safe ;-)

By the way Lucy hasn't even missed her dummies! 

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