
By fotoday


more from my lockdown garden safari again today. This morning was not the weather for the garden but it brightened up in the afternoon.
We turned right out of our house for todays circular walk. To the bottom of the road, then across fields to the R Derwent via the Parish Church. We saw a red kite overhead, they are not common in this area yet, a buzzard then the biggest suprise of all...... a peregrine on the church. I'm missing my regular peregrines, they are about 5 miles away and since unnecessary car journeys are out I have not seen them, but this one is so close. It looked like a male adult but I didn't have my long lens with me. The droppings suggest he has been there for a few days I will be popping down for a reccy more often now. You can see him in the extra shot if you look carefully.
We also had a virtual dinner party with friends this evening, a take away pie night from a local pub. Set up the iPads opposite us at each of our tables, then ate and chatted together. It worked well and no driving home needed, cheers !

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