This glove will rock you

I found this lost glove on my way to work.

Work was busy. The weather was really beautiful in the morning. A perfect day to take pictures oustide, but I was inside working..

Had some bad news about my auntie. She's still in intensive care and her condition has worsened. We're all keeping our fingers crossed and I keep waiting for that dreaded phonecall...

On my way back from work something really strange happened. A guy stopped me and told me with a foreign accent: "Yellow for you, the same colour!" Then he looked at something yellow at the top of the street and then back at my face and said: "Yes!!" very enthusiastically. So I must have been looking yellow, I don't know. I checked when I arrived home and I'm a bit pale, yes, but definitely not yellow! This guy definitely needs glasses!

I will be going for a couple of birthday drinks this evening, but not planning to stay until late.

Working again tomorrow.

Thanks very much for all your nice comments on my shot of the alley! I hope you're all having a good weekend! :)

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