A Satin Sheen ...

I have had a really busy day today, this morning I popped around a friends to practice with her studio lights, then we popped into town then I came home and had some lunch then decided to set my studio lights up to have ago with them this evening.

The model light worked then there was this loud crack noise and the flash side of the light didnt work on one of the lamps, I was nearly crying.

I popped into town to see if I could get them fixed they said it would be cheaper to buy a new one.

I telephoned one of my husbands friends who is into photography and I brought a set off him which he didnt use.

That has made my day, now going to do some studio lighting tonight with my friend, so I will catch up with commenting later or tomorrow. I have just managed to get this quick capture of one of my beautiful tulips, it had such a lovely sheen on it when I was taking the photographs.

Wish me luck ...

Thankyou all so much for the views and comments on my Who's A Pretty Boy Then image, I am overwhelmed.

Sorry I didnt comment last night I was so busy learning my studio lighting, I will catch up with commenting later for todays and yesterdays blip, if not I will catch up in the morning, I have missed viewing your blips yesterday and today.

Tracey x

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