
By bananablip

Lockdown life: Thursday

It took me a good minute to try and figure out what day it was when I woke up this morning. The days are definitely blurring into one. It's good to have a morning work task to get my teeth into each day and I find the mornings usually fly by quite quickly. 

After lunch I had to pop to the office and pick up a microphone that I'd borrowed and deliver it back to the owner. While I was up that end of town I thought I'd pop to Tesco to pick up some Weetabix for the next SYFC challenge. The line outside Tesco was queuing around the building and I could have just gone straight into Lidl but I feared that Lidl wheat biscuits may be of inferior quality and leave me at an advantage for our competition. 

The afternoon was slow and eventually I gave up on work because nothing good was going to come out of it. I watched Masterchef instead and dreamed of going out for meals in restaurants when this is all over.

Popped out for my evening walk today and bumped into my Vicar, her husband and their daughter, who is one of my young people. Delightful to chat, even if we did have to stand on opposite sides of the roads. So grateful for these chats with real humans! On my way back, I walked through the hospital grounds when 6 police cars showed up. I thought it was all going to kick off until a family member online informed me that they'd probably just come for the 8pm 'Clap for our Carers'. I decided to stick around and it was so lovely to stand outside the hospital and clap for some of the nurses who waved from the wards. I even clapped at the police so that they didn't arrest me for loitering. 

A lovely day in the new normal. 

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