Or as much as it can be.  CC has finished her obligations to study for the day and arrived at the awarded time to play Super Mario Bros. :)

They say that here in Italy, we are turning the corner.  Still +4.5k new positive cases and +750 deaths over the last 24 hours, but only +2.3k people positive with Covid-19.  That means more people are getting better than are becoming positive.  Lets hope the trend continues to improve over the weekend.  Worried about the situation in the USA.

Thank you to everyone who has stopped to comment in the past few days. I am very appreciative even though often times I find difficult to express myself.

Thank you.  God bless everyone at this time - the people suffering, the people taking care of the suffering, the people working because their job is necessary, the people staying home because they want their lives to matter, the people without work and the children missing their friends and teachers.

Day four running the stairs... x4 repititions.  I "ran", and I say that loosely, the first three reps, and tried on the fourth which quickly disolved into a slow walk up. :)  112 meters elevation in about 12.5 minutes.  Nothing great to brag about.  Still asthmatic and without much lung capacity otherwise I would continue walking up and down.  I slept poorly last night how badly my leg muscles are aching.  I guess stairs are a lot different than bikes or skiing.  I just can't imagine how I have lost so much physical capacity in a month.  Each day should get better in that respect.  

Mrs C joined me today after some prodding and basically repeated my first day - first up running right behind me most the entire time and commenting in brilliant fashion at the start, "this is easy!"  She changed her attitude by the time she reached the top and walked the second climb after which she was no where to be seen. :::)))

On to tomorrow!

...working on some photo books.  Blurb has a 41% sale until April 6th... who ever may be interested.  Lockdown is a perfect time to make books and when insomnia rules the nights.

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