Another Heart (or Two)

I thought I'd finish the HeartsforHeroes week with my second tribute to the NHS. 

I forgot to mention this a couple of days ago.  On Thursday we printed out some rainbow pictures and wrote a message to everyone in our street, its not a very long street, saying we would be out on the drive clapping at 8pm.  We were pleased with the response when the majority of the street also turned out and there was lots of waving to each other and clapping in tribute to our wonderful NHS.

Also in respect to Thursday's blip, I am reliably informed by Tigger that the bird in the tree is a male house sparrow not a blue tit.  Ah well, I'm no ornithologist!

I've decided to take my daily walk in the early evening from with the good weather there are more people around during the day. We're looking forward to the Virtual Grand National this evening, at least no horses should be hurt in this race.

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