Northern Exposure

By Northern

Woolly pony

A friend introduced me to needle felting just before Xmas. I was hooked immediately. I’m not someone who has any interest in knitting or suchlike but this is more like sculpting with wool. As a medium it has huge possibilities and there are some incredibly talented artists producing amazing work.

I’ve been trying various different projects to learn techniques, from gnomes to finger puppets. This is the result of about 60 hours of work my first piece which uses an armature and has a top coat which is added in small bunches, a lot more work than I expected but I am really pleased with the results. Learned a lot by doing this, especially what I shall do differently next time.

I think I’ll eventually give this to my friend who challenged me to make a Shetland pony but in the meantime it’s quite nice having a tiny horse in the house.

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