Northern Exposure

By Northern

Beach heart

I’m a day late for the hearts for heroes challenge, because I have no idea which day or date it is anymore.

This wee heart just presented itself. Judging from the tracks and beak prod holes leading up to it we assumed it was from an oyster catcher hunting for tasty morsels in the sand. Most of the holes were just ordinary holes but this one was a definite heart shape.

Seen today. 
Common seal - 1 (Surfing)

Great northern diver - 2 
Redshank - 3
Oystercatchers- lost count, they were everywhere 
Herring gulls, black headed, common gulls, Black back gulls
Sandpipers - 3
Ring necked plovers - 6 or 7
Eider ducks - lots
Long tailed ducks - approx 7, mix of males, females In winter plumage and juveniles 
Raven - 1
Curlew - 2
Shell ducks - 2
Greylag geese - approx 12, mainly in pairs now.

Plants in flower:
Water celandine

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