
By bananablip

Camping out

Because what else is there to do?!

Today’s been ok. Weekends are the worst because there’s no work to distract you from the fact that you can’t go anywhere. I was up for 8.30am which would normally be the time for our monthly prayer breakfast but today we prayed in our homes instead. After that I went back to bed to watch the finalè of the BBC’s Noughts & Crosses. I’ve enjoyed it so much that I’ve been trying hard to ration it and not gobble it up in one go. It’s been a long time since I’ve found a TV programme that’s been so good at provocation. Probably since ‘Years & Years’.

I seemed to spend the afternoon on Marco Polo with Robert and Clare. At one point Clare was cracking on with her work with us two prattling on in the background. ‘Like a podcast’ she said. A very niche podcast no doubt, mostly discussing NIMBYism, politics, champagne socialism and my pre-menopausal symptoms.

A lovely walk this evening followed by a beer by the fire, ready for the Great British Campout. Clare and Bob don’t think I’ll make the whole night, which inevitably means I will make it through the night, even if frostbite sets in, such is the nature of my competitiveness.

Weekends in lockdown suck. Friends who cheer you up are the absolute best.

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