This is one of the purchases from yesterday that I forgot to mention: we were in Troc (junk shop/second hand shop) and - aside from some very reasonably priced copper pans - found this huge tray. It is similar to the one Mr B bought in Italy years ago (and we had to buy new luggage to get it home in). This one is considerably larger (about 1m20 diameter). I think we can now say that Mr B is a collector of large round decorative metal trays. And you can't say that about everyone.
The reason I am talking about yesterday is, of course, because little of note happened today. The pouring rain this morning (which washed away last night's snow) caused the cancellation of our possible trip to the market and library, and its continuation through the day caused us to stay in and have a lazy day. Well, the kids did anyway. The afternoon brought the hilarity of setting up (finally) our Wii Mii characters, though I failed to persuade TallGirl to have the amusing eyebrows I thought suited her so well. And we were kind to Mr B when we created his. Later there was some WiiFit action, with the kids doing amusingly badly on the balance tests. After TallGirl failed her's, the Wii machine asked her "Do you tend to fall over a lot when you are walking?" which, TallGirl being the clumsiest person you could imagine, made us all laugh.
Back to yesterday, last night I decided on a chickflick for my entertainment, only to find I had chosen badly and spent the last 30 minutes of the movie bawling my eyes out. Why I imagined a movie about a teenage girl dying of cancer would be laugh-a-minute I can't imagine. I will take more care tonight (I'm watching the Hangover - since I seem to be the only over-18 year old in the Western World who has not seen it yet.)
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