Obviously not one of those, but a Christmas Cactus, bought a few weeks ago from the supermarket. Perhaps I should say 'rescued' since they never seem to water the plants in there. My mam loves these and has loads of bright pink ones in the house, which obligingly flower for her every year. This one is a delicate pink, and I will probably have killed it by next Christmas, but for now it looks rather sweet on the kitchen mantelpiece and I'm hoping putting it here will remind me to call my mam tomorrow night, since I forgot tonight.
Another dull rainy day, enlivened with some fine Radio 4 entertainment and some roman blind making. Less entertaining was another hunter in the garden incident. I think I'll have to pop up to see the Mayor about that. I'm not against hunting, but I don't particularly want men with guns in my garden. Seems reasonable to me.
Speaking of men with guns, last night's 'The Hangover' movie (which given yesterday's comments it seems I am not the last person to see) was, hmmm, ok. Though I'm not sure that's the kind of movie that benefits from being watched sober, alone and with a pile of ironing to get through.
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