
By Chiara

Salted caramels

I know everyone means well, but I just wish they would stop asking me if I've found a job yet. It only brings light to the fact that I am unemployed (something I don't like to remember), and they don't seem to realize that once I have good news, I'd volunteer the information to them right away.

I don't want a boyfriend anytime soon because I like my new guy friends too much to lose them. However, sometimes I wish I had someone special to share things with. (Yes, that's a whole lot of cheese on top of cheese.)

More importantly, I hope there is someone out there who would know and understand my every passing thought (thanks, Neil, for the quote) and I hope to meet him or her someday. Maybe I've already met them. Who knows?

I get over things fast. It's a good thing because I don't waste much time dwelling over bad situations, but it's also a bad thing because that means it's easy for me to lose passion.

Back in January, Joshua asked me what I was looking for in a man. I gave him a short but detailed list (i.e. "someone who is constructively honest and is goofy but responsible at the same time"), then I asked him what he was looking for in a woman. He just said, "I want someone who loves me for who I am, who is honest, and who is good to others. Everything else is just icing on the cake." His answer took me aback. How did I let myself forget the simple traits in others? The core characteristics, honesty and kindness, are the two most important things to look for in a person when it comes to building any kind of relationship -- in the workplace, at home, in school, and pretty much anywhere. Of course, when it comes to finding a significant other, you have to feel "it", too. People are people. Have no expectations, and you will always be pleasantly surprised.

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