Gitama's World

By Gitama


...My Dad died 3 times.
It's been big........I'm still reeling from everything.

Mum had been telling me about a couple of her neighbours who had been very kind and helping her a lot....I just got the phone number from her to phone them and thank them for keeping an eye on the folk.

Thank goodness that I could contact them and ask them to check in on mum when she broke down crying hysterically over the phone ...Dad had taken a turn...she couldn't make out if he was breathing or not.
Ambulances and hospitals...his heart stopped 3 times.........he phoned me (inbetween ) to say goodbye...........I cant get up to see him...I'm in lockdown and they live across the border.

Mum had a turn at the hospital her blood pressure hit the roof and she was put into a of my brothers was already there and only one visitor was allowed so I wouldn't of got in anyway.

This is a very short version of a long story but the upshot is:
Mum is ok and back home..(my other brother managed to get a flight up from Sydney)......Dad seems to be doing ok after they put in a pacemaker (the big op tomorrow) and we are keeping our fingers crossed.
I got another phone call
'I'm still here...I died three times'....
'Dad youve gotta stop scaring us out of our wits....I Love you Dad'
'I know'

I am going to try and get up there Tuesday...I have a pass to get over the border now.

My florist friend came by with a big bunch of fabulous flowers...I spent part of my afternoon taking picks of is a glorious Pink Ranuncula.

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