Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 15 Warming up

The weather is getting warmer for a few days but unfortunately is bringing out the worst in people who are ignoring the ban and sunbathing in parks and public places. Idiots! Don't they realise that their behaviour is putting their lives and the lives of others at risk and the government are now talking about banning daily exercise. Why don't people listen? I went shopping to Sainsbury's this afternoon- some essentials for us and an elderly neighbour who is self isolating and could not believe that I only saw two people in masks or trying to cover their faces in some way and I felt like a freak for having a scarf over my face and gloves on. People were not social distancing and one of the employees was standing in the middle of the aisle engaging in a long conversation (not work related) with two others who were working on either side of her so that nobody could pass at a safe distance. It felt like a normal Saturday afternoon in Sainsbury's.
Deaths in the UK are still rising and we unfortunately passed 700 today. Spain and Italy both seem to have peaked and are now declining so fingers crossed for them. We seem to have at least another week of appalling deaths if we're to follow trends seen in our countries. My heart goes out to all families affected by this, including all hospital workers who are having to work in these dreadful situations.
Chris was home about 4 so we went for a walk over the fields at the back of our house to avoid as many people as possible.
Please stay safe and keep isolating as much as you can. Xx

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