Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 14 1 million +

I spent a 'normal' day of working from home. I didn't feel right today for some reason and I'm not sure if it was tiredness, being stuck in the house-ness (that's a thing now isn't it?), worry about Matt, reading too much depressing news, or if I'm coming down with something. It was quite a nice day weather wise except that it was quite chilly but I just felt a bit bleurgh. Chris was late home again and even on our walk his phone kept pinging with work messages. Getting out and about in the fresh air and the countryside definitely made a difference to my mood and wellbeing and I think Boris has got this decision spot on as long as people continue to keep their distance from each other.
We had a lovely Friday night tea when we got back and then Chris and I settled down to watch the last two episodes of the first season of Unforgotten on Netflix. Very enjoyable.
Worrying figures in the news today were that over a million people worldwide have now contracted coronavirus, there were 684 deaths in the UK and over 1000 in America.
Let's end on a positive: the 'Easter holidays' officially start today so those parents who are home schooling get two weeks off. I don't have to work from home for 2 weeks so I should get other jobs done but I do have to work on Tuesday as school are still open for key workers' children.

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