
By Fido


It would have been fairly unlikely to have been able to get a photo of ten little boys, dressed up in superhero outfits, to sit still for a photo. I like their movement, it even looks like I meant to get the photo that way. I didn't.

Cracking party - my lovely husband has a real skill for running a 5 year olds' superhero party - precision organisation and great fun. I think we made a good team today, though we were ably assisted by the head teacher of an Aberdeenshire primary (father of a party guest) and one of the most experienced teachers in Tayside (granny S). It was fun.

Post party shenanigans included an hour or so of down time; opening presents, building lego, drinking tea and eating cake after which we headed out to blue skies and bright white countryside at Newseat woods with the sledge and found an incredible piste. I have a feeling we'll be back there.

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