
By ClairOverThere

The Corona Diaries, day #21

Pretending to go out. 
Or when you get the new car out of the garage just to look at it because you can't really take it out anywhere.
(Our new car, not his - he's just playing ... and too young!)

Sunday was pretty much like Saturday ... a few hours work in the morning, then a barbecue this lunchtime and some more gardening. this afternoon. Have never been this sorted in the garden this early!

I'm loving the "not feeling rushed" feeling, but probably mainly because I'm still busy in the week. We'll see if that changes this week, once I've delivered this latest job - nothing more in the pipeline so far.

One more week of home schooling (for now) - school holidays on Friday, then we'll see what happens. They''re starting to talk about "dé-confinement" but only to tell us how complex it is and how it's not for anytime soon. We're happy enough in our little bubble for the moment, but then suddenly you stop and realise what it all means and just what a massive thing the world is going through. How we can't just say "It's ok, you can go back out now" and expect to carry on as normal. How no one really knows what tomorrow will be made of. 

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