By lizzie_birkett

When I'm Cleanin' Winders!

Sorry - being a uke player I couldn't resist it. :-D


Our windows were filthy! But now they're sparkling. I did inside and Frank did outside with me holding the ladder steady - well, most of the time! He looked down and saw me taking this photo.
'For God's sake you're meant to be holding the ladder!!!' He shouted aghast.
'Sorry, I am now!' I said.
Well, what could be more.important than getting a good Blip?

I took Bella walkies at 5.30am to beat everyone else to it...and saw 3 other people out and about! Still managed to distance.

SOAP BOX - I don't wish this virus on anybody, not even Boris because it is a horrible, potentially life threatening illness.
However, I just wish they would be honest with us and say that Boris is ill with it instead of insisting he's had mild symptoms, and because he still has a raised temperature has gone into hospital for tests! He's already tested positive what more tests do they want? (OK bloods, x- rays the usual) Apparently he is still running the country and managing the Covid-19 crisis from his bed!!!
Come on - we're not stupid stop treating us like kids. We want truth just now not more lies!
I do sincerely wish BJ a good recovery  even though I'm not a fan of his but just a fellow human wishing another fellow human 'Get Well Soon' ;-)

Off my soapbox.

Have a good day, keep smiling and stay safe. ;-)

Update: I knew where this was heading - Boris in ICU! :-(

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